
Exciting Times Ahead for Members of the National Guild

Exciting Times Ahead for Members of the National Guild

The National Guild of Master Craftsmen are delighted to announce that we are now accredited by the Erasmus+ European Vocational Education Training programme to offer free learning opportunities to our members.

What does this mean? Our members have the opportunity  to offer a work experience placement to highly motivated students and apprentices from across Europe and there is no cost to the members.

In addition, our members, their apprentices, and other learners will be able to go on a learning experience to another European country for periods from just a few days up to 52 weeks and it’s funded by the European Union. So, it is free to the learners.

These great opportunities are free to our members. So, why wait, contact us today for more information on how you can develop your workforce and grow your business as members of the National Guild of Master Craftsmen.

Finally, if you have a spare room in your home and would like some tax-free cash then speak to us.

Contact us on: 0818207050

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